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South African Multifamily
Residential Rental Association

Where vision meets advocacy for industry success.

Number of Members
(Institutional landlords)

13 members

Asset (portfolio)
value represented

Over R40 billion
of asset value

Number of Multifamily
apartments represented

Over 75,000 Apartments

Average value
per apartment

R575,000 per apartment


The Future of
Residential Letting

SAMRRA institutionalizes South African Multifamily Rentals, supporting inclusive investment, consistent returns and stakeholder satisfaction. Join us in shaping a resilient future through transparent industry value promotion.

Our Multifamily Residential property represents privately owned residential stock is designed specifically for renting rather than for sale. Properties are typically owned by institutional investors and managed by specialist operators. This asset class is a property classification characterized by large-scale residential property rental supply, which provides consistent long-term income for investors.

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Our Role

SAMRRA is an industry body which represents its members on common matters in the formulation of opinion and policy which relate to dealings with regulatory authorities, public bodies other associations and the public in general.

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Collaborate for Success

Our members share a common objectives. Members currently include institutional landlords who own and manage large-scale, multifamily residential estates. Members include property and industry entities which have interests in the industry or are sufficiently aligned with the interests of members of the Association.